Alastair Hodge

Alastair Hodge
Barrister, 5 Essex Court. Professor Alastair Hodge is a specialist in all aspects of Employment Law. He is also a Senior Advocacy Trainer for the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple and has spent many years teaching students, pupils, junior practitioners and KC's the art of advocacy, both nationally and internationally. He is also an experienced after dinner speaker, comedian and mimic and is renowned for his entertaining presentational style.

Alastair's upcoming events

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Advanced Guide to TUPE - A Case Study on Employment Liabilities - Learn Live

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The Advanced Art of Civil Advocacy - Live at Your Desk - Learn Live

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Mock Employment Tribunal - Transfer of Undertakings From Start to Finish - Learn Live

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An A to Z of Education Law

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Compensation in the Employment Tribunal - A Heavyweight Guide with Alastair Hodge - Learn Live

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